Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Playground by Radiant Photo Finalist
Martin Bissig






Participated in


I merge my love for mountain biking, travel, and photography, which has paved the way for my career in professional photography. Though I was originally trained as a banker and business economist, I took the plunge into self-employment in 2003, making a distinct mark in the sports domain and on global platforms. I am honored to be recognized as one of Europe's leading outdoor and mountain bike photographers, with my stories gracing platforms like National Geographic,, and Condé Nast Traveller. My skills aren't just limited to still photography; I've also contributed to Swiss National Television for various outdoor segments. Since 2019, I hold the title of Canon Europe Ambassador.
Pursue your passion with every heartbeat, and success will find its way to you. I've always been drawn to photography out of pure love, not monetary gains. The path of a professional photographer is filled with challenges, but it's truly the most rewarding profession on earth. – Martin Bissig